Thursday, November 27, 2014

The Giver Chapter 1- 4

The Giver starts when Jonas was in he´s house, he was frighten, then he remembering about an aircraft that had passed so close to the community, in that moment he was scared. He decide he´s feelings where not those, he was not really frighten, he had a different feeling. There was a ceremony coming soon, that was not a normal ceremony it was the ceremony of twelves, in that ceremony their future work would be decided. Later in the afternoon hes parents where going to make the feelings ritual, in witch they have to share their feelings. Then all he´s famiy finish with their feelings, it was Jonas tourn, he had really complicated feelings. Later Jonas had a private conversation with he´s parents about the ceremony of twelves, where he was going to  recive he´s new work. He´s parents where talking about their works, Jonas´ father was a Nurturer (the one that takes care of newchildren) and he´s mother work in the law and justice center.

Then Jonas´father got out a baby, it was he´s work to nurture the baby, the baby had lighter eyes like Jonas did "Almost every citizen in the community had dark eyes.2 (Lowry 20).

Jonas made like the baby wasn´t important and keep doing he´s homework, then he heard he´s sister talking, she talked alot she was thinkingthat she should be assign Speaker, then he start laughting only imagning her sister making an  announcement. In that moment Jonas remeber about a day at school were he was huiliated in an announcement, he´s name was not mentioned but that message was directly to him, he remembered that moment with humiliation. Jonas also rememberd about the vouluntary hours (where they go and experience the diferent things they could be assigned), that day when the incident happend. In that affternoon he had whent for he´s vouluntary hours to the house of the old were he help an old lady to take a shower, they talked about how the olds where realized.

The book is really interesting to read, because you don´t have any clue whats going to happen. I reale feel related to Jonas carácter, because he has a lot of questions in he´s mind, I have always questions im my mind, some that i never get to answer myself.
I really want to know what does released reers to or what happends when you are released. I would also want to know for what does Asher would be choosen to be when he tourns twelve.
I would be wanting to know what does the Givers do in their Jobs.
I´m really interested on reading the next chapters.

Chapter 4 ends in the house of the old, when Jonas was helping an old lady to take a bath. They where talking about the releasing ceremony. Nobody knew what really reaalese was. I released that the peolpe in Jonas´ community had fear to be realeased at a young age (not old).
There were some announcements that were for someone on especific but they didn´t mentioned the names. All the things that where announced where always made by the members of the community.
I can conclude saying that the people was controled, but who control them?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Giver

1. I think the book The Giver would be about the life of this boy named  Jonas  and how he discovers that he´s world is not perfect as he thinks.

2. In the dedication page of The Giver Lowry says "For all the children To whom we entrust the future". I think Lowry tries to state out that the future is in our hands, in education. Lowry could also refer  that future is always made up of new decisions.

3. I think that in the book would happen that Jonas would be choose to make a work that would help all the community, and for that he would need to travel all around he`s world, and discovers in what big deal its planet is at.

This is how Jonas world could look like